We help people improve their quality of life by providing excellent care. Contact us today to discover how we can help.
Inpatient Treatment Assessment
Learn About Our Assessment to Determine Treatment Plan
Everyone who walks through the doors is thoroughly assessed for treatment needs before any discussion of payment or referral. That confidential assessment with licensed clinicians is combined with interviews with the patient, the patient’s family (if possible), and other relevant care providers. The goal is a detailed history that focuses on the progression of the person’s illness. This assessment and history form the basis of a treatment plan that is unique to the individual.
If admitted to the adult program, the patient’s needs are addressed through a multidisciplinary team including board-certified psychiatrists, social workers, therapists, primary care physicians, dietitians and around-the-clock clinical and nursing staff. The average stay is 10 days, but can vary, with two to 30 days.
Program Schedule
Inpatient Program Schedule & Types of Therapy
Four groups – two social work and two activity therapy – are held every weekday and three are held on weekend days. Patients are expected to participate in at least 90 percent of the groups offered. Groups focus on cognitive behavioral and educational goals as well as therapeutic recreation, which helps patients develop skills to help them better resolve conflicts, improve interpersonal skills, manage problematic behaviors, reduce stress, improve self-esteem, and improve personal insight. Park Royal’s staff includes a Therapeutic Recreation Specialist and Board Certified Art Therapist, among other professionals.
Patients are seen daily by a staff psychiatrist. They are evaluated for medication needs and monitored for any necessary changes. On discharge, they receive a temporary prescription, typically for seven to 14 days and are expected to follow up with an outpatient provider.
Continuing Care
Continuing Care – What’s Next
Park Royal Hospital is unique in that every unit, including the adult inpatient, has a discharge planner who helps the patient integrate back into the community with referrals to local mental health professionals and other services. Patients also sign releases of information for a primary support system including at least one personal contact (a family member or friend) and one provider, such as a psychiatrist, case manager, medical doctor or therapist.
While some adults come to the unit after being admitted through crisis stabilization, others arrive voluntarily from the beginning.
Contacting Park Royal
Get Help by Contacting Park Royal
Contact us today to speak with one of our Intake Counselors. We are located at 9241 Park Royal Dr, Fort Myers, FL.